
B-DATA was founded in 2009 with the vision of developing an integration platform for small and medium size businesses. B-DATA products and solutions are used now in many companies in various sectors like Healthcare, Transportation and Logistics. B-DATA is a growing company willing to invest and expand its IT services.

In addition to our IQDox cloud platform, B-Data develops bespoke integration modules too. Our solutions and products are designed and priced to make application integration affordable to practically every company, irrespective of size and in-house IT resources.

We partner with large and mid-size companies to deploy simple and cost-effective solutions to shorten development and implementation times. Our aim is to provide tools and processes to ease integration between external applications and the company’s back-bone systems.

Why B-Data

B-Data is committed to being easy to do business with and to provide outstanding service. Our clients' success is the most important measure of our success. We are committed to resolving our customer's problems and to improving productivity while providing our customers with the best cost-benefit ratios.

Our experience is reflected in our core ability of understanding the development needs of our customers and translating those needs into leading technology solutions that improve the efficiency of doing business while being easy to use and having unquestioned reliability.

Our Integration products and Cloud Solutions are targeted to the SMB market thus offering an outstanding value for money.